Welcome to the Scandinavian Library

Our Collection
Our Collection

The Scandinavian Library has a collection of more than 6,000 books by Nordic authors in the original languages or about the Nordic countries and cultures. In addition to current and classic fiction, we have biographies, immigrant history, poetry, and plays. We have an extensive collection of children’s books in all five Nordic languages (Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish).

We also have a DVD collection of Nordic films available for borrowing.


During your visit, you can peruse Scandinavian magazines and books, chat with fellow Scandinavians and Nordic language learners, and visit the Cultural Center for a Nordic event such as a concert, lecture, art exhibit, documentary film or cultural celebration.

Once a month we screen a recent or popular classic film from one of the Nordic countries.

About Us
About Us

The Scandinavian Library was founded in 1994 with the purpose of being a place to connect with the Nordic community. We are a non-profit organization run by volunteers and funded by memberships and donations from the community.

We are located in the
Scandinavian Living Center at
206 Waltham Street
Newton, MA 02465.
Tel. 617-965-0621
Closed for the Holidays
Reopening January 6, 2024


Library & Kaffestugan Are Open Every Saturday

The Library is open 11-3 and Kaffestugan is open 10-2. Come and visit!